Accurate, precise, and well-documented balancing of centrifugal pump impellers is necessary for optimal performance, longevity, as well as proof that proper service has been completed. Proper dynamic balancing of impellers directly results in increased pump efficiency and lifespan through reducing vibration, heat, and noise.
Almost all pump repair shops use outdated and imprecise static balancing of pump impellers and have no reliable way to show that the work was completed let alone completed to a consistent standard. Even experienced mechanics with excellent equipment cannot match the precision of computer-aided dynamic balancing machines.
Nickerson Co is committed to helping our customers meet the most demanding applications head on with top-of-the-line solutions. We are pleased to announce that Nickerson Co has recently acquired a new Hines model HP0200 Dynamic Balancer.
The Hines model HP0200 is an OEM-level balancing machine capable of accurately balancing impellers up to 50” in diameter and weighing up to 200 lbs. to the ISO specification 21940-11 grade D 6.3. In addition to the balancing, we are also able to provide certified written reports for every impeller showing its status in relation to current ISO tolerances both before and after balancing has been completed.
Taking the time to make sure a pump’s impellers are properly balanced will significantly improve their performance and reduce the amount of time and money required to keep them running.
Please let us know if you would like more information on this critical service or if would like to see the equipment in operation.